Closed - Acknowledged medical system suggestions

This status contains valuable community suggestions that have been acknowledged by the Development Team. While these ideas are not scheduled for immediate implementation, they are recognized for their potential and may be considered in future development plans.


Police Constable
Nov 25, 2023
Reaction score
hello, i have some suggestions for the current medical system i understand some of these may be in your roadmap already.

suggestion 1: the civs being able to do specific injury's and possibly being done via a menu or a command i think this would be great compared to the /kill command that always puts them in a similar scenario ( i have attached pictures from a mod from arma that describes what i mean) as i believe this would increase that immersion and realism to the scenario.
Also i believe this new medical system is in the right direction and has the potential to be the best system out there.

suggestion 2(injury's types)
-Deep penetrating injury's for EG impalement an object this could lead to lungs filling with liquid and needle decompression would be needed.

-Air way management for example someone may have a occluded, obstructed or swelled airway ,you could have the airway swelling due to burns or smoke inhalation, obstruction/occlusion would be caused by the windpipe collapsing/tightening or chocking on a object.

-Hypothermia/hyperthermia and you would have to regulate the temperature of the body to handle the situation or it could cause problems such as cyanosis ,slowed breathing, slowed heart rate and confusion ,adding items such as heat packs , ice packs , heat preserver blankets and humidified oxygen to warm airways would be a way to help combat these issues, also the addition of spo2 management to certain parts of the body would work well with hypothermia as it would decrease spo2 in the extremities as vital organs try to pull blood from them ,this would be a great detail.

-Overdoses on drugs this could cause certain organs to shut down or go into CA and other issues.

-Side affects to advanced drugs , morphine has a chance to cause puking witch could obstruct airways another example would be amiodarone gives nausea , visual impairment and dizziness.

-Different types of fractures , you could have a multitude of fracture types ranging from simple-advanced-complex and have the accompanying division being able to attend each fracture type.

-Better burn treatments i may be wrong but their is no way to currently/specifically attend to a burn in the current menu , options could be special ointments/creams , specific dressings and for 3rd degree burns you could treat using antibiotics with a combination of others (irl it wouldn't be as simple but in game it would have to be).

-Having torniquets on for a certain period gives cyanosis to the limb its attached to.

-Specific broken bones causing damages to surrounding areas such as a broken rib it could have a possibility to cause lung/organ punctures, trauma to the pelvic area could cause slow bleeding till a pelvic binder or something similar is used.

-FAST IO this is a alternative to a IV into the arm, this device is pushed into the chest and is used when limbs cant be accessed or patient is unconscious , this causes a lot of pain, but is useful .

-Specific blood types , this may cause a bit of havoc in game but might give the blood team more things to do.
-head injury's that puts a patient into a unconscious state, this could also put a use to the level of consciousness chart |full consciousness/confusion/lethargy/obtundation/stupor/coma| depending on their state you would have the appropriate division deal with it.

- Maybe something like a breathing rate , how fast someone is breathing , this could either be hyperventilating or very low breaths per minute this could affect spo2 , and you would have to calm the patient or using another method.

-I cant remember if this is in the system already , but something like blunt trauma this could also tie in with head injury so they may have a chance of getting concussion if hit in the head with an object or internal bleeding. With internal bleeding you would have to assess from a test witch I'm unsure off but would give you a result of slight/mild/major internal bleed , with slight or mild it could be stopped with TXA till further care can be done or other medication and major would need emergency surgery and other treatments.

-Traumatic amputations this would need to be attended to very fast and require immediate care. but have certain levels for example on the arm it could range from fingers/hand/elbow/shoulder or from the leg it would be foot/knee/hip

Short suggestions
-More complex cardiac states, EG. pulseless electrical activity
-Patients will become unconscious and will have to reoriented them.
-dislocated joints
-tared tendons
-paralysis (possibly damaging more if not transported correctly)

Also some of this may be incorrect as i only researched some of these topics briefly , but it was more just to provide ideas that could be developed on.

I understand it is a lot easier said than done and some of these may not even be possible , also you have probably already considered a majority of what i have mentioned or working on them at the moment and that some of these things are a long way down the line but i just wanted to give some suggestions and hopefully some things you haven't thought of before.
many thanks

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Cyberworlf, this is a well thought out and developed suggestion. I like what you’ve talked about here and I hope that the developers see in this some points for future development of the medical menu.

This medical menu is the step in the right direction, and this suggestion is well made to get it even further :)
Cyberworlf, this is a well thought out and developed suggestion. I like what you’ve talked about here and I hope that the developers see in this some points for future development of the medical menu.

This medical menu is the step in the right direction, and this suggestion is well made to get it even further :)
hello , thanks for liking the ideas.
i do believe this medical system is the way forward but will take time to reach its potential .

Hello @cyberwolf ,

Thank you for your suggestion regarding the medical system. We truly appreciate the time and thought you've put into this idea.

We've updated the status of your suggestion to "Closed - Acknowledged." This means that while your idea holds merit and may be considered for future development, we're not planning to implement it immediately due to current priorities.

Your contribution is valuable, and we'll keep your suggestion on file for potential inclusion in our future planning.

Best regards,