Suggestion Accepted Ui system menu for civ

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(RS3) Darren

Jul 6, 2023
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When we are injured as civ we get injuries that are not expected that we can't control I feel as a bit of fun for civ there should be an added drop down menu to pick and choose injuries and the severity and also this would help with what we can do with thee units who are online at the time as a few times I have died 3x in a row and no hems are on its juss paramedics which can't treat stuff more advanced paramedics can so we are stuffed

Maybe something could be looked into and producing actual injuries such as cuts bruises etc because we are still looking normal and even though we are dead we are blinking
I'm sure it's possible as the new props for llas the gauze has blood on it but we don't see blood on our characters
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello Darren,
Thank you for your suggestion, as this medical ui is still on its early stages of development. The devs are fully aware of the disadvantages and the issues and is working hard on improving this. As you are probably aware, permissions has been fixed, allowing certain levels of clinician to specific medications and skills. Rest assured the devs are working hard on improving this medical ui. And this is something we all look forward for.

As for the death and injuries you sustained whilst in RP, I would strongly suggest that perhaps in the future you would use your F2 to check for available assets before you start your scene, if there are no HEMS online then try not to get into some serious injuries. Remember as a civ, you control the narrative.
Thank you smallp for the reply I look forward to see the final stages and I understand devs are working hard on this and I want to thank all devs I found a way of having some control of this using /kill instead of f8 kill which gives worse injuries and none that would apply to the scene thank you again for the reply
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