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  1. FunnyHat

    Suggestion Accepted MET - AFO: OFC callsign to end of name

    Suggestion Title: OFC callsign to end of name Division: MET - AFO There are OFCs that are also in command positions, so their names end up like the following: (RS1) (OFC) SomeDude123 I think it would be nicer and better if the OFC callsign prefix was at the end of their name: (RS1)...
  2. FunnyHat

    Accepted Multi-Divisional pings should go in #announcements

    Hello, When you are a member of many divisions and a ping goes out for something changing (as is now, about CIU needing to be called out for every RTC), you are pinged the same message in every single divisional Discord channel. I think in instances where something like this needs pinging...
  3. FunnyHat

    Accepted Show that the EA server is EA

    Hello, Sometimes myself and many others accidentally connect to EA thinking it is the main server. So, could we add something like a welcome message or some other marker that only shows up in EA that says that we've connected to EA?
  4. FunnyHat

    Declined Allow College Trainers to create instances

    Hi! Its quite annoying when doing a PCSO training to have to bother a moderator and wait for them to be available in order to get a training instance to be created for the training session. Is it possible for Band 1 College Trainers to get access to do this, so then it can be just created when...
  5. FunnyHat

    Declined Add a Discord cosmetic role for Control Operator Primary

    Hi, Would be nice if Control Operators could show that it is their primary role on Discord from the #role-assignment channel.
  6. FunnyHat

    Declined Spectator mode

    Hey everyone, I think it would be cool if when you join the game (and are presented with the role selection menu) you should be able to select a special "Spectator" role, which would allow you to fly around the game and watch the activity (spectate players via a menu, fly around the map etc.)...

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