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  1. Niklaus506th

    Accepted Fix the archaic policy surrounding speed exceptions for loyal members of ERT, DSU, and CID.

    The following is a suggestion that compasses multiple policy changes to IPP and JRU within the server. We will start with the current state of JRU and then move onto IPP, finishing with the proposed suggestions. The essence of emergency response is contingent on the ability to respond swiftly...
  2. (DS5) Blimpus

    Declined CID Vehicles

    Hey all I'm a CID Sergeant and me and some of the other command team have been looking at of cars for Cid to have, CID cars don't have interior except some and I think we are in dire need of new cars. Ill put some suggestions in below
  3. T

    Suggestion Declined MET - CID: Custody Online feature?

    Hello, As the announcement where CID can now actively man a custody suite. It got me thinking. Is there a way to possibly add a map feature. Lets say a CID Officer was to go on duty But goes on as custody at Vinewood. People constantly asking if custody is online. But what if we could make this...
  4. (9796) MylesPMP

    Declined Evidence markers.

    I think evidence markers for CID would be an amazing addition.
  5. (OS6) Larry B

    Accepted Divisional "promotion"

    Hello While I've been in PMP. Divisions are not particularly shown in there fullest, parts are hidden / obscured as they're not deemed "interesting". This then gives people perceptions that a division will be just X. This then makes them think that when they apply for the division all they do...
  6. J

    Suggestion Accepted Fire: LFB: FIT (Fire Investigation Team), Van / Training / Uniform

    Suggestion Title: LFB: FIT (Fire Investigation Team), Van / Training / Uniform Division: Fire I have been doing some research into the FIT from the LFB and I have found the following. Vehicles: See image Equipment: PPE (Forensic Suits), Dogs (Trained to smell Petrol, Paraffin, White...
  7. James B.

    Declined BMW X5 For DSU or CID?

    Any thoughts?
  8. (HA1) Lewis.

    Suggestion Declined MET - CID: New CID Vehicles & Trainer Cars

    Suggestion Title: New CID Vehicles & Trainer Cars Division: MET - CID Hello CID Command, I am back yet again to suggest some more vehicles that I think would be good for our garage, I think they would be a good fit for the CID Garage and some may even be good for one or more of our...
  9. D

    Declined Police ELS

    I think the ELS should be updated so the light patterns are more true to real life, for example this video before. In the lightbars they are half and half if that makes sense. The video explains everything really. dont know if this has been suggested before but it would make everything look much...
  10. (TL4) Connor M.

    Suggestion Accepted MET - AFO: DRAG / CARRY

    Suggestion Title: MET - AFO: DRAG / CARRY Division: MET - AFO I think it would be nice on scenes to be able to drag/carry officers/patients away from a scene for example, when there is a scene and an officer is shot and we get told to prioritize officer life by "getting the officer out" and...
  11. (OS3) BillogJohnny

    Suggestion Declined MET - CID: offroad forensics

    due to the lack of forensic offroad vehicles and a couple of scenes so far not having forensic access, could we possibly get a forensic landrover or something? as there are a few scene locations that as a civ would be perfect for miss pers, body discovery, drug dealing etc

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